
Five Reasons to #OptOutside instead of Shop on Black Friday

Five Reasons to #OptOutside instead of Shop on Black Friday

Last year at this time was a whirlwind for our family. My wife was a few days from going into labor and I was deep into my 7th year as a middle school basketball coach. It somehow slipped past me that REI (one of my favorite outdoor companies) was closing again on Black Friday. 

Live the Simple Life

Live the Simple Life

Since I am a teacher, I am given a full week off as a break in the middle of the spring. I have enjoyed this break in different ways each year. Most of the time I really enjoy my break, but there are those breaks that just stick out in my memory.These are the breaks that take us back to simpler times. Times with less stuff and less distractions. Times when we went outside and enjoyed the view. Times when we saved more and spent less.

Make Sure That Your Loved Ones are Prepared

Make Sure That Your Loved Ones are Prepared

Recently, I was having a conversation with my brother-in-law. In this conversation, he told me a story about how he was helping a widow with some yard work and mending a fence one Saturday (a program that our church has to help the widows in the church community). She was recently widowed (less than two weeks) and there were multiple guys helping her with her yard and fence, but she asked for one more thing before they left. She wanted help with the finances.