Rich Habits

The Benefits of Hard Work

The Benefits of Hard Work

I have always been a big fan of hard work and I believe there is no greater thing than hard work.  I was brought up in a household that required me to do chores on a daily basis and I learned a lot from these chores.  I learned that I needed to do them or I would get in trouble.  I learned about how much time it takes to keep a house clean.  I learned how much sweat is involved in weeding the garden and mowing the lawn.  These were all things that were taught to me by my parents.  I sometimes feel that our society is losing the hard work gene.

Savings Goal Update #6

Savings Goal Update #6

It has been over 3 months, since my last savings goal update article. Things have gotten pretty crazy as my wife and I booked a full fall. It has been great, but exhausting at the same time! With our busy fall, I gave myself permission to not focus so much on new articles and just be fully present all the time. Now, I have found time to sprinkle some articles in over the past 4 months. I found the time to write those articles while I was on flights by myself. I just edited and added to these articles as it came time to post. Now, that I dug into our busy schedule and lack of posting, what have we been doing?