Savings Rate

Savings Goal Update #6

Savings Goal Update #6

It has been over 3 months, since my last savings goal update article. Things have gotten pretty crazy as my wife and I booked a full fall. It has been great, but exhausting at the same time! With our busy fall, I gave myself permission to not focus so much on new articles and just be fully present all the time. Now, I have found time to sprinkle some articles in over the past 4 months. I found the time to write those articles while I was on flights by myself. I just edited and added to these articles as it came time to post. Now, that I dug into our busy schedule and lack of posting, what have we been doing?

One Really BIG Savings Goal for 2019

One Really BIG Savings Goal for 2019

Goals, plans and new years resolutions. Those are the things that people do each year in anticipation for a brand new year. They’re going to make changes for the better. They’re going to start working out or losing weight. They’re going to buy a new home or pay a crazy amount of the mortgage off this year. Most new year’s resolutions are short term and only really focus on one year. It makes sense to focus on a small timeframe to make things attainable. However, I have never been a big new year’s resolution fan, as most people don’t follow through with their resolutions.

Our August Savings Rate

Our August Savings Rate

One of the best ways to build wealth and reach the financial summit is to have a high savings rate.  As I detailed in an earlier article, our savings rate has continued to increase since last June.  So, I decided to do a monthly article on our savings rate and explain what caused the increase or decrease in the rate.  Our goal is to reach 50% every month, but there have been a few months this year that have not reached 50%.